Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. What products does Treko Store offer? Treko Store offers a diverse range of products tailored for outdoor enthusiasts, including hiking gear, camping equipment, travel accessories, and more.


2. How can I contact Treko Store’s Customer Service? You can reach our Customer Service team via email at or by the contact page. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you.


3. What payment methods does Treko Store accept? We offer Cash on Delivery (COD), bank transfers, and are in the process of integrating various mobile wallet options for your convenience.


4. How long does delivery take? Orders are typically delivered within 2-3 business days. However, delivery times may vary depending on your location and product availability.


5. What is Treko Store’s return and exchange policy? We offer a 30-day return and exchange policy. For more details, please refer to our Returns and Exchanges page or contact our Customer Service team.


6. Is there a warranty on products purchased from Treko Store? Yes, many of our products come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Please check the product description or contact us for specific warranty information.


7. Can I track my order? Absolutely! Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email, allowing you to monitor the status of your delivery.


8. Does Treko Store ship internationally? At the moment, we primarily serve customers in europe. However, we are continuously working to expand our shipping capabilities. Please check our Shipping Policy for the latest information.


9. Are the payments on Treko Store secure? Yes, we prioritize the security of your transactions. All payments are processed through secure channels, and your information is protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


10. How can I stay updated on promotions and new arrivals? To stay informed about the latest promotions, new arrivals, and updates from Treko Store, you can subscribe to our newsletter.


We hope these FAQs provide helpful information. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.